The media officer to Tinubu, Mr Sunday Fadare, explained in a statement that, “for three straight days, the private residence of the national leader of the APC, Bola Tinubu, has been under surveillance by battle-ready and helmet-wearing soldiers. Numbering close to thirty and riding in three patrol vans and an army trucks stationed close to the entrance of the gate to Tinubu’s house along Bourdillon Road in Ikoyi, they have become a permanent feature.
“Their obvious target, Tinubu himself, and perhaps the hordes of politicians and visitors that visit his Bourdillon residence.
“The soldiers were first noticed on Sunday a few minutes to 11pm in an Army truck. They stationed about 500 meters away from Tinubu’s gate. Later they moved close to his gate as if making efforts to enter. The stern looking soldiers were around for hours on Sunday and returned on Monday to continue their surveillance.
“Monday night about 10.45pm, they returned to the residence in two army vans and were there throughout the night. Some of the soldiers discharged from the van and walked back and forth in front of the house and around the house in what is clearly some casing effort.
Soldiers deployed in Tinubu’s Lagos home